
'ทฤษฎีบท Coase' หมายถึงอะไร?

What Is the Coase Theorem?

The Coase theorem is an economic theory developed by Ronald Coase, a British-born Nobel Prize-winning economist. It states that in the presence of low-cost negotiation and bargaining, the initial assignment of legal rights and duties does not necessarily affect the final outcome of a transaction. This theory is incredibly useful for entrepreneurs who are seeking to start a business, as it explains that if two parties in a transaction can negotiate efficiently, the outcome of the transaction does not rely on who holds legal rights or obligations.

The Key Components of the Coase Theorem

The Coase theorem introduces three fundamental ideas: zero transaction costs, where parties can negotiate without incurring any costs; the recognition of legal rights and duties that each party holds in a transaction; and the potential for changes in the economy as a result of external influences. This theory suggests that when two parties are able to negotiate with no transaction costs, the outcome of the transaction will not depend on who has legal rights or obligations. Rather, it will depend on which party can offer the most beneficial terms to the other.

Example of Coase Theorem in Practice

Let’s consider a simple example. Suppose two companies, Custom Services and Perfectly Sized, enter into a contract to manufacture a particular product. Perfectly Sized holds the patent on the product and has the legal right to manufacture it. However, they cannot do so without the assistance of Custom Services. Both companies are able to negotiate, and they are able to come to an agreement that works for both sides. Under the Coase theorem, the fact that Perfectly Sized holds the patent does not necessarily affect the ultimate outcome. If Custom Services can offer the most beneficial terms to Perfectly Sized, then they may still be allowed to manufacture the product.


The Coase theorem can be a valuable tool for entrepreneurs who are considering different business arrangements. This theory states that, in the presence of low-cost negotiation and bargaining, the initial assignment of legal rights and duties does not necessarily affect the final outcome of a transaction. Instead, the outcome will hinge on which party can come up with the most beneficial terms for the other. In doing so, the Coase theorem allows entrepreneurs to negotiate the best agreement possible without having to worry about who holds the legal rights or obligations in the transaction.